Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jyetech DIY Oscilloscope

Well, I finally got my new micro-controllers for my arduino. I use the plural because I got two. At $5 each and being a retard I figured that was the best call. In order to maximize my shipping dollar, as well as try to make a dollar, I ordered the jyetech diy oscilloscope while I was at it. After ordering and waiting a couple days I decided to read the comments left on the SparkFun website. Almost all of the reviews were negative with the most common complaint being that it didn't work at all once assembled or complaints about the documentation on how to put it together. I had zero trouble with it and finished in about an hour. I'll be using the scope to spy on my arduino as well as the signals I feed my rodin coil.

Here are a few pics of it before it lived

SparkFun puts this kit in the difficult category, but it wasn't that bad. If you can use a soldering iron fairly well, then you should have no trouble. Believe it or not the toughest part was soldering the pins for the slide switches. Holy shit are they small! The assembly instructions are pretty hilarious. Whoever wrote them obviously does not speak english as their primary language. My favorite line from the whole thing was
After you satisfy yourself with that all switches are
located properly solder all the rest legs.

Lol, I'm a goober, I know.

I didn't have my multimeter so I was unable to do the whole 'check as you go' thing. I just knew something would be wrong when I put the juice to it. Boy was I wrong. It came right on requiring only slight tweaking of the contrast pot to get a nice sharp screen.

Next I threw a new AtMega328 on the ardiuno board and uploaded my BLDC driver sketch. No problems at all. I hooked the cheap little rca probe up to one of the pins I was using to drive the motor and the other to ground and turned on the scope. It took me a minute to figure out how to use it but before long I saw a beautiful square wave traversing a beautiful glowing green screen.

This should make my play time a lot funner and hopefully somebody will like the scope enough to buy it from me.


  1. Hey man,

    I ran into your post on the arduino forum about displaying your thermistor data to the Nokia LCD. I'm trying to do the same thing. Would you be able to share the solution with a fellow tinkerer?

    Thanks much!

